
Inclusion enables all children and families to have a sense of community, build relationships and allow children to develop to their fullest potential.


We believe in supporting all children and we do so by meeting the children and families where they are. We value diversity and recognize that children’s social, cultural, family circumstances, abilities, disabilities, language, gender and socio-economic experience is an integral part in providing an inclusive environment. 


Our goal at Friends For Life is to provide all children with a positive experience. Children will have opportunities to learn, play and grow in a supportive and emergent early childhood environment.  Our Educators support children’s needs by teaching functional life, play and social skills, enhancing children’s strengths and building relationships in an integrated, developmentally appropriate classroom.  Our programs promote active social integration between all children to learn about our similarities, differences and how to grow together.

We work with children, families, communities, other agencies and support services ensuring all children have access to these recourses in order to enrich their experiences.


Families will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that describes their child’s development in detail.  If families or other professionals recommend adaptations to the program or environment, Friends For Life will make every effort to implement changes; within our philosophy, to promote the successful integration of that child. 


Through reflective and observational practice our educators strive to ensure all children’s needs are met. It is through these observations that our team are able to identify specific needs of the children and in turn develop plans to support the child.

Routine Based Plans are used to provide learning opportunities and effectively assess a child’s short and long-term goals. *please see development of RBP/IPP document for more information.