Friends for Life, Waverley
In 2024, Friends for Life Waverley proudly joined the Friends for Life Group. Previously known as Becky’s Daycare, this cherished centre has been a cornerstone of the community since 2019. Nestled amidst the natural beauty of clear lakes and hardwood forests, our Waverley location is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for the children in their care, through a play-based learning approach that helps each child develop new skills at their own pace. Join Friends for Life Waverley as we embrace our community and foster growth and learning together with our children and families.
1 Lakewood Drive, Waverley N.S., B2R 1E3
Contact Information:
(902) 860-2203
Open: Monday to Friday
7:00am – 6:00pm
License Capacity: 246
Care for Children:
ages 5 months - 12years